
Sleeping too much ,cant get away from bed ,why would that happen to people ?

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why ,would you jus want to live in bed and not getting from it ,no matter how this make everyone around you annoyed and yu just think they are being silly you arent hurting anymore ,




  1. You may be worried and bothered by something, something is holding you back and just thinking about it is keeping you in bed.

    The trick is to focus on things that inspire you in life and stop thinking and worrying about what others think or about this thing that is bothering you.

    Look for inspiration, things that get you excited, like when you were a child and it was the day before Christmas and you just couldn't go to sleep, you just couldn't wait to get up in the morning and see what Santa got you.

    Everyday is a gift and its perfectly fine what you choose to do with it.... but think about the things that you COULD do, the things that excite you and you'll find the energy you need to get out of bed.

  2. If you have trouble getting up, start the day with refreshing bergamot soap. Bergamot contains around 300 different compounds, the main compounds are esters and monoterpenes.

    Esters are present in high concentrations, they give bergamot its sweet citrus aroma. Linalyl acetate is a main constituent. It has sedative properties that prevent muscle spasms and swelling.

    Terpenes are warming and slightly analgesic and provide bergamots stimulating properties. The presence of both esters and monoterpenes explains why bergamot is both sedative and a stimulant.

    When you get up in the morning, switch a light on or open the curtains, light helps your body realise its time to get up.

    Also if you try washing your face and brushing your teeth straight away when you get up it should help to keep your body stimulated.

  3. Complete Laziness & selfish.

  4. you're depressed,go see a doctor

  5. Drink more caffeine.

  6. The symptoms of atypical depression are depression that may be felt as hurt/pain or numbness, leaden paralysis (your body weighs a ton and it's exhausting to just stand up out of bed), excessive sleeping, and over eating to find energy.  If this sounds like you, then clearly the answer is depression.  That also suggests that you would really benefit from seeing your doctor.  Your life is significantly effected.

  7. There could be a medical reason, such as hyperthyroidism, diabetes, or mono.

    I'd recommend a doctor or a counselor for possible depression.

  8. Depression, fear, laziness. Lack of motivation.

    Force yourself to get up. Make yourself look good. Get some simulation!


  9. lazyiness or lack of living.  

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