
Sleepover games for 4 11 year old girls??

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ok me and my friend r having a sleepover and we might do whatever we want but we get bored easily and were not afraid to do stuff except we don't want to kiss EWE!And there is no guys soo do you have anything in mind??and um not trying to sound rude or anything but we don't want to run out to the store to get a board can you help???




  1. Toss the bottle- (this game is kinda a mix between truth or dare and musical chairs) You can have 3-6 ppl playing. Take a soda bottle, strips of paper and some pens. then write down if its gonna be a truth then you have to write a truth question on it.  Then u can write a dare on the piece of paper. Then you put some music on. When the music stops the person with the bottle has to take either a truth or dare piece of paper. Its ver Fun!!!

    Mystery Make-Up- First, you go into the bathroom and u have lots of make-up out. Then you turn out all the lights. Then ( not knowing what ur gonna grab ) u take some make up and put it on ur face.

    That game is soooo much fun to play!!!!

    Beauty Shop- First, someone sits in a chair. Then someone does their hair and make-up. Make sure that if you if you play the mystery make-up game, you take all of that other make-up first! lol

    Spa treatments- Get some lotion. Then take 3 bananas and 2 cups of honey. then stir until smooth. Then you can do facials. Then take the lotion and gives massages on ur back, arms and hands. then after u do ur hands, u should do nails.

    Kiss or Kiss- ( this game is like would you rather )  You get a hat, some piece of paper and a pen. then you write down some celebrity hotties. Then you put the pieces of paper in the hat. Then you get 2 pieces of paper and then say you pick up a piece that said Nick Jonas and Orlando Bloom. Then you say to ur friend, " Would you kiss Nick Jonas or Orlando Bloom? "

    Omgsh I luv this game.

    I hope you guys have lots of FUN and I hope I helped.


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