
Sleepovers At Age 4?

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My children (G&B) have twin friends(G&B). They are all age 4. The mom just called and said that her children wanted to have a sleepover with my children tonight, but she could not have it at her home, as she has a newborn baby and her husband is sick. So she was wondering if they could sleep over here. I have snacks and games/crafts for them and they would come after dinner. My question is, would you let your young children have a sleepover? I'm not sure, but I have to call her back before dinner, so she can pack her children and bring them over.




  1. she talk her way into a free sitter for fridat night

  2. This mom asked to have a sleepover at your house?!  That's quite an imposition, especially since she understands what it's like having a newborn (let alone 3 in your case!).  If I were you, I would say, "I'd love to have a sleepover, but tonight isn't the best night, it's a bit short notice.  Let's plan something for later next week" and pick a night that would be good for both of you.  And since SHE's the one who wants the sleepover (well her kids), she should host it.  She's asking too much of you in too short of a time period...that's just my opinion.  Good luck

  3. Your hands are full.  Don't take on any more than you think you can handle. You have to keep safety in mind.

    Anyway, if you did, you can be sure there would be some driving to be done in the middle of the night. 4 year olds thnk they can rule the world........until they get tired, can't fall asleep and get cranky, start falling around the place in tiredness..............Nah, it wouldn't be for me

  4. Hm, Idk....seems a little young.  You're already a mommy of eight, so you're going to have your hands full.  It was a little rude for the other mom to be so short notice so, it's of course up to you, but I would say no just's too late! She should've asked like, yesterday.  Whatever you do, good luck!


    I think the other mother is kind of gutsy to even ask...You seem to have a full's ok to say,"No, not tonight, maybe some other time"....does that woman even know how many children that would make? and she thinks she's got it tough with twins and a newborn????

    If you don't know the kids, that's another thing to might be difficult for them to be in a new place...have they ever been to your house??? That would be a better place to start...a little playdate...DURING THE DAY...for a few hours...

    just my opinion!!! Also, that mother doesn't have to give in to every request by her children...boy, if she does, she's heading for trouble!!!

    good luck

  6. Unless you and the mom are very close friends I would say no, that is rude of the mom to even ask you, sounds like your hands are just as full as hers, mabey she just needs a break more than the kids want a sleepover

  7. if your comforable with it. i am a preschool teacher and children like that sort of things. like a kid movie and games. sleep time with 4 4years old will be interesting but as you know help the loudest get to bed first. and then the next.. when i have kid sleepovers i and the children sleep in the living room we "tent" with blankets and pillows sometimes we use the back of chairs as the way to hold up the blankets. etc. have fun!

  8. If you think you can handle it and that her kids will not get upset or homesick go for it, but with a 3 month old yourself and 7 other children i think its abit much for the woman to ask...

    However,if you think you can handle it go for it and have fun!
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