
Sleepwalkers... Any advice on what to do?

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Contrary to what usually happens, I did not sleepwalk as a small child and outgrow it as i got older. I didn't START sleepwalking until I got to college. I never remember what happens but I have woken up in places where I did not go to sleep. (i.e. the bathroom, the couch, etc). I do strange things, like take all of the food out of the refrigerator, turn on the tv or put on make up, but I never leave my house.

Last night I was told that I put on a dress and attempted to leave my cousins house. I've only been there once, so it took me awhile to find a way out and I subsequently woke up the 3 other people there, but when she tried to guide me back to bed and take the dress off I started shouting and crying. I STILL didn't wake up. I don't remember any of this, but I'm concerned that this is progressing. Can I barricade myself into my room? meditate before bed? What can help?





  1. Make an appointment with a doctor that specializes in sleep disorders.

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