
Sliced my finger, possibly to the bone...two nights ago?

by  |  earlier

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I was cleaning a very sharp knife (luckily I had it mostly cleaned) when I accidentally sliced my index finger near the knuckle on the side closest to the thumb. I believe the slice was deep because I did not feel pain but rather resistance. Is it possible that I damaged a tendon or nerve? Can doctors do anything about this? thoughts? Input?




  1. WTF.. are you thinking. I dislike doctors but stitches for a cut of that nature are a necessity. The longer you wait the longer it's going to take to heal and the more complications you are going to have.

    After the emergency visit read and apply to speed up the healing process.

  2. you should go to like Patient First or one of those emergency clinics and have them look at it because you dont want it to get infected.

  3. yes they can tht happend to my aunt and thy just stiched it for her

  4. It is possible that you damaged a tendon or a nerve. Are you able to still move that finger? Is there any numbness? A Dr can do something if you are having problems. The same thing happened to my son. He ended up needing surgery because he cut a tendon in his thumb.

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