
Slide hitting in volleyball?

by Guest64781  |  earlier

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can you please explain to me how to do a slide hit? like the basic footwork, timing, etc.




  1. its like doing a lay-up in basketball. you still do your left right left approch the first step is towards the setter. the second is over as is the third. you jump off your left foot and have your right leg come up like a layup.

    for timing you should already taken you first step towards the setter before she sets the ball.

    Talk to your setter about where she sets it and how quick it is. if you have problems have the set be higher at first until you get th hang of it.

    once you are good practice hitting the ball down the line. anyone can hit a slide cross court but not as many can hit line and other teams dont expect it.


  2. The bigest difference for me running a slide is that you jump off one foot instead of two feet for other plays (OH, 1 or 2 ball).

    You need a good/great setter to make you look great. This is true for all MHs.

  3. basically, coming from the middle your first step will be straight toward the net, as if you were going to hit an A or 2. your second step is a step to your right, going behind the setter. your third step is going to be the jump and pivot off of your left foot. this is so you can turn your body back into the court to swing. make sure that you really drive your right leg up when you are pivoting and jumping. this is because you will be jumping off of one foot so its important that you get as much momentum as possible since you arent coming off of two feet like you normally would hitting.

  4. The most important footwork that needs to take place is that you must be in line with the setter as they touch the pass. What I mean by that is you must be side by side facing opposite directions. You should be planting your left foot when the ball reaches the setter.

    If you are behind, you will not get a good approach and will have to leap to just get to the ball.

    If you are ahead, you'll be standing behind the setter waiting for the set.

    Once the ball is in the air, the trick to a slide is to raise the non-jumping leg's knee. (sometimes I wish I could draw a graphic when answering questions.)

    You will take off on your left foot, if you raise your right knee as high as you can, you will find that you are getting more height and are able to reach up over the ball much better.

    I hope these tidbits help, these are things that some coaches overlook. The basics are something any coach should be able to help you out with.

  5. going up for a slide is similar to doing a lay up in basketball. for an effective slide run by the middle, go in for a one like normal, but instead of jumping, stop behind the setter, and run to the right. you should pass the setter when they set the ball no matter your distance from the setter (unless you are on the back line). the set should be similar to a five set. watch the set, and jump when you are near the antenna. instead of jumping off of two feet, jump off your left foot, bring your right knee in the air, turn sharply and hit the ball either line or angle. there is no real arm swing, just pump your arms like you are running. as i said, the jump is similar to doing a lay up, or the high jump. for an outside hitter to run a slide, time the run so that you pass the setter when they set the ball. you should be farther back than the middle, though, about five feet off the net. the approach is almost exactly the same except you come in at an angle, so you don't have to turn as much, but you still have to turn. left handed right side hitters can run slides too. it is all opposite of what i said so far, except the set is a 32 (distance of a 3, height of a 2). this allows an outside to still run the four. slides are difficult to master, but effective and fun. talk to your setter about running one.

  6. It's one of those things you really have to get perfect with your setter. What you should do is practice doing the basics with your setter so you both get comfortable but bascially what you do is one or two steps (which ever you have time to) and then you lift off one leg and hit it on the right side of the hitter. The objective is to trick the other team into thinking ur hitting a regular middle but quickly (being the most important word) switch it up and do something they arn't expected. I'm sure your coach would love to help you if you ask! :)

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