
Slight car-bike contact: What should I have done?

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So I was on the left sidewalk of a street that had a green light and traffic. A car was backing out of a driveway but it stopped so i thought it was giving me the signal to keep riding. As always, I arched around the the driveway and the rear of the car while still staying on the sidewalk because it would have dangerous for me to get on to the street because I was against traffic. Well the car suddenly jerked back when I was barely out of its path. The corner of the bumper hit the rubber of my back tire. I heard contact. The driver didnt honk or any thing in response. So I kept riding. I looked behind me once in a while to see if she was following me but I was in the clear. Was riding off the right thing to do? The driver didnt really have a reaction. I am not worried, just curious.




  1. I do not know where you are, but in California, pedestrians always have the right of you. Any accident involving them is more often than not the fault of the driver. It's a driver's responsibility to make sure that the coast is clear before crossing an intersection, pulling out of a parking spot or backing out of a driveway. Driver's can even lose their licenses if they hit a pedestrian.

    Since no one was hurt, and there does not seem to be any damage, I think there is no harm done. Usually in any accident though, by law, drivers need to stop, otherwise it is a hit and run. Since you ran, I do not think it applies. You are not responsible for any cost accrued to the bumper since the driver hit you.

    I am really glad that you are okay. It could have turned out a lot worse.

  2. As long as there were no injuries and no property damage, then who cares? This is life, bumps happen.

  3. Well seeing as she hit you, she was probably more afraid that you would turn around and say something. If she backed into you, your not at fault. She was probably happy you kept on biking, cause that means she didn't hurt you or damage your bike, something she would have been liable for.

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