
Slight finger ingury...?

by  |  earlier

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during volleyball season I hurt my middle finger on my left hand. nothing majo, but I taped it for the rest of season.. its been feeling fine, but at softball on monday I hit it on something so now it hurts a little, but not too much. I play on sunday. Should I tape it or not?




  1. it'd probably be best to tape it so as to avoid further long as the taping doesn't effect how you play it can't hurt to be safe...make sure you take avil or tylonol to help with the pain

  2. tape it

  3. why not? tape it

  4. It could be a bunch of things.  I have:

    sprained my fingers (each one)

    gotten "ganglion cysts" on each of my thumb joints

    jammed various fingers

    broken three fingers

    Only during the injuries did I tape, and I only did when I sprained my fingers, jammed them, or after they were broken and I went back to playing.  I had my doctor told me that what you do is weaken them if you continue to tape them after the healing time.  You need to let them get their strength back.  The thing that hurt the worst was the ganglion cysts on my thumbs.  I got those due to one girl I play leagues with/against.  She swings, and when I go up to block her, she tries driving the ball right through the middle of my block, hitting my thumbs.  I get these bumps at the base of my thumb on the outside of my hand, and they HURT.  They go away with lots of time.  The last time I got them, it took five months for them to go away.  

    Should you tape?  The only one that can really tell is YOU.  I would personally start out not taping and see how it feels.  If it begins to really hurt to the point of effecting your play, get it taped.

    Good luck!!

  5. I would recommend it as a precaution.  I've played volleyball for eight years now, and after hurting my finger the first time, I've taped them when they've hurt ever since.  Even if it's nothing major, it might be a good idea, could help prevent any further injury.

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