
Slim thighs ?? :)? whats your secrets ???

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what tips have u got to help me slim my thighs




  1. any muscle specific exercise will help you strengthen the muscle and increase size and tone. You need to do, full body cardio (HIIT recommended) to lose fat off of any body part. HIIT will help you lose weight overall including your highs.

    If your thighs are not fat but muscular, then any steady state cardio would do e.g. 30 - 40 minute jog.

  2. AcaiBerry Power 500.....its not really a diet pill more of a flushes out toxins and pounds from your body and replaces all that with nutrients.:)

    It makes you feel clean inside  

  3. Cycling will help! This summer I started biking everyday and my legs are much more toned and people are beginning to notice. Do a spinning class at the gym or buy a bike. Have fun and good luck =]

  4. riding a bike, running, leg lifts, lunges, walking lunges, squats, jumping jacks should help too.

  5. I believe it's all in the genes, I spent years trying to put weight on my thighs and other parts but to no avail, so you see not all of us skinny bones like being slim.  

  6. Genetics. You cannot slim down a single bodypart. Genetics determine where we store our fat. Testosterone causes storage around the belly, estrogen around the butt and hips and thighs.

    The only thing you can do to slim down any fat bodypart is to lose bodyfat overall. You can also exercise your thighs to make the muscles bigger, thus giving the illusion that they are "toned", but it's not nearly as effective as weight loss.

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