
Slogan about cooking/chef?

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I'm thinking about making a personalised apron for my dad for his birthday because he likes cooking but what do you think i could use as a funny slogan/quote on the front?




  1. Dishwashers are just like chefs, because they make a lot of noise when they do their jobs.

    Chefs are just like children, because they should be seen and not heard.

    The soup is beautiful, just like the man who made it.

  2. "Be nice to the chef if you don't want food poisoning"

  3. “If people take the trouble to cook, you should take the trouble to eat.”

    Idk? :p

  4. Real Men DO Eat Quiche .....  (maybe you're too young to remember the controversial book "Real Men Don't Eat Quiche")

    Joe's Diner ... (or whatever his name is)

    There'll be a HOT time in the kitchen tonight!

  5. I like cooking with wine, sometimes I even put it in the food.  (this is one you can buy online at lots of stores)

    Husband, Father, Cook, Superman!!!

    If I make it, you eat it!

    Don't ask me what's for dinner

    I'm burning it right now!

    Don't ask me what's for dinner

    My Masterpiece takes time!

  6. Kiss the Cook

    The Heart of cooking (instead of the ART of cooking)

    Sioux Chef (if he has any indian bloodlines)

    Charlie Grilled (if his name is Charles)

    The beer can chef

    Cooking with Joy

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