
Slogan to raise awareness of maths dyslexia?

by  |  earlier

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I am looking for a slogan to raise awareness of Dyscalculia (maths dyslexia). Something along the lines of

'Maths dyslexia- we count too'


'you can count on it'.

Something related to maths.





  1. i have dyslexia! really bad! sorry has nothing to do with subject

  2. What an excellent answer from e.e_triller!

    I vote in favour of that!

  3. Dyscalculia - means hard times for sum.

  4. Dyslexia is all about words right! so why do we forget to count dyscalculia? numbers are as important as words! WE COUNT or at least we try to

  5. math dyslexia

    when things just don`t add up

  6. e.e._trillers idea wins for me I nearly wet my self aughing at that one.

  7. Dyscalculia - when takeaways don't taste so good

  8. one and one makes two problems!! or how about   8+8 are six- teens, that dont add up!.........  er)) blimey its no good, the brains gon. if i think of any i'l come back

  9. I'm soooo curious, who are you? Lol.

    ert from

  10. Kudos to ee_triller!!!!!!    Love your response.

    See what you can do with a slogan for the dysgraphics!

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