
Slow motion - video editing?

by Guest67166  |  earlier

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Does any one know how to make a video go into slow motion? Please help.




  1. depends on the software.  what are you using?

  2. Yes, like tortoise said, we have to know your software to know that.

  3. Hey Kyle,

    Slow motion is done by redrucing the speed of the clip in half, so if the speed is 100%, make it 50%

  4. Window's Movie Maker comes with this option.  If you have a window's computer, you should have it in "Start" "All Programs" "Accessories" and it'll be in that folder.  Open it up and mess around with it.

  5. With WMM it's an effect, with Vegas family editors you <ctrl>drag the end of the video clip.  Each editor does it a different way.

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