
Slow runner!?

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Im 14 5'4 113 pounds and I have a flat foot and i am the worst in my class at running(slowest) Male. Im getting orthotics, what can i do over a 2month time period to get faster, I want to play bball to.




  1. just run for 20-30 min every other day and that will help a lot and get running shoes too

  2. Crunches and situps ar a great way to build you coar. If you have a strog coar, then you will be able to run with less truble and faster. It also helpos with endurance

  3. At 14, you can take up running, I recommend limiting yourself to betweeen 1.5 - 2 miles runs at the longest.  There are some great programs out there that will take you to that mark.  These are Learn to run programs that mix walking and running on a 3 - 4 day a week schedule.

    Don't worry about being slow, as long as you are running and finishing the run if if you are the last person around the track or course.  As a Runner I have a lot of respect for the runner who comes in last.  They finished, so in my books that makes then every bit a runner as the guy who came in first.

    Find a Learn to run:

    Some sites you can check out.

    These are great sites with some great programs.


  4. if you want to be a faster runner you need to... run! try starting out running a half mile, then a mile, mile and a half. work your way up. youll get the hang of it eventually! be careful not to hurt yourslef though! do some short sprints for bball. good luck!

  5. You just need to get stronger and do short top speed sprints. The reason you are slow is because you can't support your body weight at ground contact while running. If you have a weight room do isometric holds on a leg press machine. Lift with both legs and hold the weight with one leg, on ball of foot and knee almost bent. Then do the other. Do as much weight as you can hold for 10-30 seconds. You can also do at home by pushing against wall or floor. Soon you will be able to run with no collapse at ankle/knee with shorter contact times and faster speed.
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