
Slugs how do i get rid

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every morning i come down to find shiny trails of slime on my living room rug and in my kitchen . am tokld this is slugs , iv put salt down and one or two have died but they still keep coming and it real annoying

i have two young children aged 4 and 1 so i have to be careful what i put down as youngest puts everything in mouth, am even wary about the salt

what can i do to get rid of these horrible creatures , i live in the uk in rented property

how do they get in as my rug is middle of room?




  1. Contact your landlord.  

  2. if they like your rug chuck it out or just put salt on every entrance/exit  and 4 and 1 yr olds wont mind abit of salt

  3. slugs love beer, if u put some in a pot they will fall into it. Im not sure this is the best solution with kids around though.  

  4. leave a long line trail of salt where they enter your house, they will not cross it

  5. they come in from the garden   because of kids   use new thing on the market   it is water based solution you water on garden  so safe for children its called   slug clear     tip   next year  use it from febuary  kill them before they breed in march and april

  6. Other than contacting the owner or landlord use salt..they dont like it hahaha..OOPS SORRY..regards

  7. They will be coming in under either the back or front door.  At night, after the children have gone to bed put a line of salt (using plenty of salt) across each threshold.  You'll have to do this every night as the slugs keep coming back.  I wouldn't recommend slug pellats in case the children get to them.

  8. pest control, call ur landlord and tell him there is a problem  


  10. put salt were u think there comin from.

    I.e if ther coming in under the back door put salt on the floor just by were the under neath gap is!

  11. slug pellets, but salt is more fun
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