
Slugs in the house - how can I find where they're coming from and how do I get rid of them?

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This is really yucky! Every morning we find slug trails over the carpet and furniture! The only way into the house (an air vent) has been covered with a fine mesh; I think they may be coming under the house and through the floor boards. Please advise on how to get rid!!!




  1. Salt!

  2. The could be coming through your doors. I had the same problem at my back door. I just put a trail of salt at the entrance. They won't cross it.

  3. slugs love beer. put some in a low dish and they will climb in and drown. that doesn't cure the problem tho; call an exterminator. slugs eat other bugs and stuff, so there may be another problem that is attracting them indoors. also, as others have said, they love dampness. dehumidify your house, but find out where the moisture is coming from. is there a leak in your foundation, walls, etc?

  4. I think they can get through small holes and even gaps under the door. Unless you make sure your place is like a bank vault or something with really no way in, they'd just keep on coming.  This is stupid, but try putting salt on the possible paths they probably use to get inside your place.

  5. Sprinkle salt around.

  6. look at where the trail comes from and when you find the entrance block it with some salt, but make it so they can get through but they'll die after a few inches of travelling. hope this helps

  7. not sure on this one but slugs leave trails can you see where they are coming from? however i do know that slugs dont like slithering over copper it creates a small electric current and prevents them from going over it ...... your mesh on your air vent try replacing it with one made from copper

  8. Slugs get through the tiniest holes and love damp. Stop up any obvious holes and put salt around exterior doors etc.

    I don't think they are too happy about loosing their way either! They probably think humans are really yucky!

  9. to kill slugs put salt on them! this kills them as they are mostly water and the salt absorbes all the water in them!

  10. follow the trail to the point of entry and line the area with salt.

  11. follow the trail..

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