
Small 8th grade pranks??

by  |  earlier

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My school is very boring because no one ever does anything!! soo me and my friends are going 2 just pull small pranks so its more interesting. like puting love notes in peoples lockers. but we need more and better ones. not 2 much trouble YET. [:




  1. OKay before i answer your question i just wanted to say I love the name Alicia..if thats your name...caz it says Atoma Alicia lol ok your answer:

    In some1 that you dont like a lots locker put this

    Hey there,

    I snuck into your locker last night and i will continue to do it over and over again if you dont slip this into someone elses locker!


    and then make up some weird name

    itll be going around the school!

    and itll be awesome haha

    also you could put this:

    Roses are reds

    Violets are blue

    I take showers


    because it means they smell bad lol

    okay thats kinda stupid

    whatever lol


    you could put a fake snake on your teachers desk and play  a recording of a snake hissing!! ha :)

    also you could put a fake roach in someones lunch!  ahhaha :)

    HaVe FuN!

  2. buy 9 rats, in sharpie or something label them 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10, let them free in school when nobody is looking, and then nobody will be able to find #9 cuz there is no # 9!  my friends brother did that!

  3. You could blow up some balloons and tape them to random people's lockers.  

  4. my friends did this befor ok get like a pad like idk always or somthing and put red marker on it so it looks like someone had there period and then stick it in the backof the class on the wall then the techers wiill see it its funny when it happens plus its easy  cuz its sticks on the back  

  5. If you have 7th (or even better, 6th graders) at your school, superglue some quarters to the concrete around the lunch area (if that is outside). Or, put them outside the entrance to the school. Its really funny to see people try to pick them up! And, after a few weeks the superglue wears off and they go away.

    Hide somebody's cell phone REALLY WELL inside a classroom, and then keep sending it text messages (make sure to use a short, annoying ring tone). Best bet: Find a recording of a cricket and use that as the ring tone!! Then you dont even have to hide the phone!!

    If you are willing to go a bit further, this one can be done very well with some planning, ive seen it work great :)   Just write a note that talks about pulling a huge prank on a certain period with a certain teacher, (like a period that you have with that teacher) and leave it somewhere where it looks like it was dropped but you know the teacher will find it. Then throughout that entire period you can watch as the teacher gets really nervous about waiting for this huge prank to happen. Hints: get somebody who doesnt have that teacher to write the note so they wont recognize the handwriting. also, make the "prank"

    discussed in the note really big and suprising, like youre going to start a food fight in the middle of class. And lastly, have the note-writer sign the note with some really wierd codename, like "The Flying Dutchman" just to make the teacher extra confused.

    Good luck  :)

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