I've noticed a lot of these bugs since I've lived in my house, but I only ever find maybe one every couple of months, I'm just wondering what they are and how I could possibly get rid of them. They're only about 1 cm long, no noticeable separation between head and body, they're black with a broad yellow horizontal stripe on their backs. They seem to eat through anything organic, sometimes one of my dogs will lose a Greenie bone (if you haven't heard of them they're organic chewy treats, the one I had were in the shape of a toothbrush about 2 inches long) and I'll find it a few months later with holes bored through it and a fine Greenie dust all around it. They're not really a nuisance at all, and I can live with them, they just kind of gross/creep me out and life would be better without them. I live in Canada about 45 minutes north of the American border if that helps at all. Thanks!