
Small Black beetle with horizontal yellow stripe?

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I've noticed a lot of these bugs since I've lived in my house, but I only ever find maybe one every couple of months, I'm just wondering what they are and how I could possibly get rid of them. They're only about 1 cm long, no noticeable separation between head and body, they're black with a broad yellow horizontal stripe on their backs. They seem to eat through anything organic, sometimes one of my dogs will lose a Greenie bone (if you haven't heard of them they're organic chewy treats, the one I had were in the shape of a toothbrush about 2 inches long) and I'll find it a few months later with holes bored through it and a fine Greenie dust all around it. They're not really a nuisance at all, and I can live with them, they just kind of gross/creep me out and life would be better without them. I live in Canada about 45 minutes north of the American border if that helps at all. Thanks!




  1. You may want to call an entomologist.

    He/she will have the skinny on the buggy.

    Google it with as much specificity as you can muster.

    Be kind to them.

    They were here first.

    You likely creep them out! :-

  2. If it is a beetle -


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