
Small Business Print Marketing Spend???

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Wondered if anyone could help me find some info on Small Businesses and their spend on print marketing - so stuff like brochures, pamphlets, leaflets, etc.

Does anyone have any clue where I could find the average spend of a Small Business in the UK?

Also, how much do Small Businesses as a whole spend on print marketing in the UK?

Thanks to anyone who can help!

ps If you could include a source (website link, etc) that would be ace!!!




  1. It differs from business to business.  Some produce their business cards and brochures in-house, others outsource and the prices from printers vary widely.

    We use for all our business cards, who are one of the more reasonably priced companies.  They charge £49 plus VAT for 500 business cards.  In one of our companies we may buy 2 sets of 500 twice a year.  In another of our businesses that would increase to 3 sets of 500 twice a year.  For a very small business that we run, we have cards that have lasted for a couple of years.

    We tend to print our own brochures so that we can update them regularly and tailor them to our markets and latest offers.  There's still a cost of paper, high quality, and inks.  Depending on whether we're holding events, we may have postcards printed or folding cards.

    It's difficult to give you an average.  I'd suggest checking out's website for their prices for various items.

    The Direct Marketing Association may also have some information on what businesses spend.  They run surveys from time to time to check trends.

  2. First you should develop a marketing strategy that coincides with your budget. It does not matter where you are in the World if you have a solid plan and budget in mind. Only you are fully aware of your finances. There are several ways to determine the best marketing strategy for your business. First look at how much money you have to spend, then decide the best way to reach your target market (start in your own area first) and good ol' fashioned Word-of-Mouth has never let any business owner down.

    Those are just a few tips on how to develop a marketing strategy that is right for you and your business.

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