
Small Claims Court - What does this cover?

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I bought my daughter a brand-new lap-top from a small company called ClearView IT Services. The CD/DVD drive developed a fault shortly afterwards. I reported this and was asked to take it to be repaired at a private address a couple of miles from my home(which did seem odd - but, I was told it would save me having to parcel it up and post it).

The man we met filled in a repair form and promised us prompt action - within days.

It is now four months later. He keeps fobbing us off with one tale or another.

Can I go to a Small Claims Court (UK) and get my £300 back?

I have evidence of purchase, and of e-mails from the 'thief' and the repair docket he filled in.




  1. Oh! Isn't it just a nasty world sometimes! I have no experience with small claims, but it seems to me that if you file a claim against him you can also include the court costs in the amount of the judgement. It also sounds like you have plenty of evidence.

    Have you contacted Clear View IT and informed them of the matter? If not I certainly would, and then tell them your intentions...That might speed things along quite a bit.

    Good luck!

    Did you get my e-mail?

  2. Go get him Granny.

  3. Don't know English law, but when I need to collect, I show up in person.  Embarrassing someone is usually the way to get resolution.  And I don't think I would want to be on the other side of the counter if you walked in! (that is a compliment, so don't read anything else into that! lol)

  4. Yes

  5. it will cost you to take them to court, which is unfair, and you still might not get your money, but if you want to try go ahead, i wish u luck

    Have sent you a gov site on small claims

  6. Probably, or report it to the police as theft/deception/fraud. You can get the forms for the Small Claims Court online or at the County Court.

    It may be worth sending a letter each to the company and the 'thief' setting out your complaint and giving them 7 days to respond or you will take legal action; head it "Letter before Action. Request the return of the repaired computer or your money back within that period.

    Hope that helps. It is not my field, but you can get assistance from CAB, Trading Standards Dept of your local council, or possibly a local solicitor who may be prepared to offer representation on a 'no win no fee' basis; or you may qualify for legally-aided advice.

    Hope that helps. Good luck

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