
Small Laptop??????????????

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So I saw a small Acer Laptop in CURRYS/DIXONS today basically it really tiny and had an 8BG harddrive with 548ish ram. It costs £199 or £249 with Windows installed on it

Would it be suitable/cool" for my 15 y/o daughter to have this Laptop

All she does is log onto MSN, Bebo, and thats about it.........

But Obviously I don't want her to be stuck with an "uncool laptop" is this one ok?




  1. not really. I would suggest dells. Maybe vostro 1510. that is what i am using to type on here now.

  2. I would think it should be OK as she will probably be using it mainly for MSN, Facebook and e-mail. These applications do not require much power, however, games will not work with such a low specification

  3. It wont be powerful enough for games. But laptops aren't made for gaming.

    It's perfect for surfing the internet, writing, watching movies, listening to music and other things that don't require a strong hardware.

    Don't forget to look after the battery life. Ask for a good one.

    Your daughter would like it I think. I highly recommend it.

  4. What is the screen resolution? too low a resoloution will be a PITA in particular I wouldn't reccomend a width below 1024 pixels as many websites design to this (height isn't  so critical).

    You won't be able to run modern games on such a machine, of course but there are plenty of older games that are still fun and will run just fine (though you may need to use CD cracks to get arround the lack of an internal CD drive on such machines).

    As for cool I guess that is more an appearance thing, does it look sleek or does it look like an ugly peice of ****

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