
Small Neighborhood Hotels, Bavaria?

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The internet provides details of large, corporate hotels, but I'm trying to get an idea of the prices of rooms above neighborhood the gasthaus in areas around Erding, Markt Schwaben or any of the small towns on the rail line to Johan Strauss Airport.




  1. Hi,

    here's a website that will give you all the details about small, cheap hostels in and around Munich:

  2. Well I apologise since my english is not so good, but I hope, I can help you a little with the following infos:

    You have different possibilities for example, you can contact the official web for Bayern (Bavaria) to get a hotel list  :

    but the best you can do is to look at the websites of each city. Each city in Germany has an official web available not only in german but also in other laguages, (very important: the name of the city must be written in german not in english, for example: you do not write Munich but Muenchen, and ü = ue  and ö = oe)  for example:

    In such sites you can find a complete list of all hotels, holiday apartment etc. available in this city and not only what travel angencies want to sell. If you do not have luck and the web is only available in German (it happens sometimes) you can also send an e-mail in english to address available in the web and someone will answer you.

    If you are younger than 27 I recommend to stay in a "youthhostelling" (Jugendherberge), it is much cheaper than any other place ( ca. 22 EUR / night and person) . You can also stay in a Youthhostelling if you are older than 27, normally you muss pay a "senior-fare" (between 4 - 10 EUR more) . You also should consider, that you will not have a bathroom in your room. The bathroom is somewhere else to be shared with other people, however I might say, Germany ist pretty clean. If interested, here is a link to the official web for Youthhostelling also available in english.

    I hope this can help you

    Grüße aus Deutschland ( Regards from Germany)

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