
Small Talk Query???/?

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I work as a waitress. Right now, I'm feeling a little akward b/c I'm not sure how to respond to the customers. For instance, what do I say when a customer starts telling me that she's being bad eating a certain dish, because she's on a diet? Also, what do I do or say when customers start talking about a random topic, say football, that I'm really not sure how to respond to? Also, do you have any advice for waiting on people who don't speak English clearly, and then get frustrated when their order gets messed up? If you could give me some advice, it would help me improve my waitressing skills.




  1. if a lady says shes been bad eating certain dishes etc...

    tell her that 'ahhh we all have our vices' 'you only live once'

    football talk or any sport tell them ' my sport is specator sport' ' love looking at the people in the bleachers' (that way they wont gill you on too much stuff)

    random talk - just smile and say stuff like  'good for you' 'that sounds interesting' 'heeheehee'

    no english- hand gestures, pictures or try to explain with easy words ie. 'roasted rack of lamb - use words like -small, meat, goat, oven (the word like roasted and lamb are not words ESL classes teach, but meat, small and goat are)

  2. Never been a waitress (although am a customer on many an occassion!).... just smile a lot and laugh at the very least. If they talk about football just make a joke and say 'not my area I'm afraid but I can tell you anything you want about music/films etc'!  Or if they're on a diet say 'its ok you're allowed to treat yourself'. A smile and a sense of humour go a long way (as long as its tactful!!).

  3. Regard yourself as the hostess, and the customers as your guests. Treat them with hospitality and warmth. If she's being naughty ordering something fattening joke with her, tell her something like "Oh, calories don't count when you're eating out" or, "you totally deserve a treat and this dish is worth it". When they talk about topics on which you are clueless, admit it, like "I wish I knew more about football but I'm hopeless". Keep a light attitude without being too personal. If you are not clear on somebody's order, ask again until you are sure you got it right, but don't make them feel bad about their poor accent or pronunciation. Be more like "Sorry, I didn't get what you said, my hearing is leaving me". The more you work, the more confidence you'll gain and soon it will come naturally. Good luck.

  4. IT's all about attitude.  The people that are "being bad" just tell them that it''s not so bad and they deserve it. When talk is about things that don't interest you just smile and say something remotely freindly like "I hope they do better next week".  As for the people that don't talk clearly MAKE SURE that you take the time to get their order correctly, if there is even a hint of uncertainty there is too much. A wait person with a great attitude will gain loyal customers and great tips.
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