
Small and Medium Red ants all over my bed!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i just got back from a parent preview for my band, and i walked in the house and set my duffel bag down on my bed. I walk in there a few hours later, and there are about a bazillion ant crawling all over my sheet. i read some old Q's about ants and i decided to spread Gold Bond Medicated Foot Powder all over my bed ( foot powder is mainly talc powder). Does anyone know if this is a good idea, or any other way i can get the ants away from my room and off my bed? I don't wanna use any sort of raid or poisonous chemicals. I have a cat, but still, i don't wanna use anything "artificial"

P.S. I had left an empty bowl of oatmeal on my bed, but they didn't seem to be attracted to it. I say this because not a single ant was on or near the bowl




  1. look you should by bug spray go get some now!!!spray all over and sleep in the living room

  2. Wash all the sheets. Any ant trails will be washed away, and assuming the thing that attracted them to the first place isn't still there, the ants will probably not return. If you do find where they are coming from, to get on the bed, either cover the hole, or put an poisonous ant trap there. Your cat is unlikely to get or get sick from the ant trap, so it would probably be more safe than an all out poison spray.

  3. obviously they were in your bag, clean it, out something suguary to attract them and take them outside, find the anthill, kill the colony by

    orange peels mixed with 1/3 water in a belnder, should make a paste if not adjust, place mixture over anthills, completely cover all holes or they will escape out of the hole you missed.

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