
Small babysitting crisis...?

by  |  earlier

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Two weeks ago, a friend of a lady that I already babysit for, asked if I could babysit for her on two different nights. I agreed. I babysat for the first time about a week ago, and my next time to babysit is in a few days. The boy I babysat for was very good, and I got paid well. I would like it if the mother asked me to babysit again.

Two days ago a friend of mine asked if I could come with her to her beach house for a few days. I agreed and was very excited. I completely forgot that I had plans to babysit! I am leaving tonight for the beach.

I was wondering if you thought this would be a good way to handle the situation: I am going to try to call another friend and see if she can fill in for me. Once I find someone that can fill in, I will call the mother and tell her that "I am sorry, but I completely forgot that I will be going away on that day. I can give you the number of a friend of mine that can babysit that night" I will also say if she ever needs a babysitter to call me.




  1. you said that you would babsit first.

    You should honor your comitment.

  2. every thing there is a good idea but if u find no one u have to cancel the beach and go some other time un less the mom or u find someone

  3. yes, I think you should go babysit, you get money!;...

  4. You should babysit for the mother. After all, you did make that promise first and it is a little irresponsible to run off to a beach house and leave this woman--who needs you to watch her child-- to just accept  whoever to watch her kid. She asked YOU not your friend.

  5. I think it's better if you see if you can find a replacement first if you can't you definitely have to babysit. At least ask your friend if she postphone the sleepover, since she's a friend she would understand.

    Also since you're 14 she might not trust you so much next time if you don't turn up after promising so the age factor definitely works against you.

    Anyway I'm sure you'll get to do both in the end.

  6. go with what you said first, that way you will be able to do it again. and earn money instead of spending it !

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