
Small black tadpoles?? and what to feed super small toads...?

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Last night I got some tiny black tadpoles from a friend's pond (they're probably less then a cm long and some even have fully developed hind legs and the beginning of front legs)

I raised some of the exact same kind of tadpoles a few years ago and they grew up to be super small toads (or possibley frogs)...probably no larger then 1 cm either.

So my questions are...what kind of amphibian do I have? (I live in Northeast Wisconsin if that helps at all)

And what do you feed it when it matures in to a full grown toad/frog? I've been reading online and they said worms, slugs, etc but those are all bigger then the little guys!

The last time I raised these guys I let them go when they were mature. Right now I'm feeding them lettuce and pond weeds.




  1. feed the adults fruit flies and pinhead crickets.

  2. well i get these all the time i all so rasie them. there are many things you must to do keep these little things alive.

    1. never put them in water that has not sat out for at least 24 hours.

    2.they eat bactiera in the water until they are full grow (when they perch) thats when you have to feed them dried blood worms you can get them at your local petstore.

    3.You have to make them a home with many rock a lid ans wood all so if seeweed begins to grow its ok to have a little but take just a little out if there is too much.

    4. i hope you know not mant of the tadpoles make it to adult hood and and i have never gotten a frog after it has perch to make it to the wild they are very hard to care for.

    Here are some websutes to go to this one is really help full

    here is a helpful one

  3. i had some tadpoles and i would give them lettuce and then when they perch give them some dried out bloodworms with alittle lettuce (they loved it) also make sure to have alot of rocks for them to hide in so they will feel safe and not have alot of stress. and im not sure what kind of tadpoles you have but good luck with them!

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