
Small business ideas???

by  |  earlier

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I am 18 years old. I have had businesses on,,, I had a business sellin band instruments ( I love business....but now, it is time to move on...I want to start a new business...a really good that can make a lot of profit. Any ideas???...I have a large sum of money saved back to get started...I just need some ideas!....thanx!




  1. a gas station

  2. I joined Free Marketing System, that helps me generate passive income though 22+ income streams. It is new, and people joining by 100's every day. It is growing very fast.

    It also teaches how to expand any existing on line businesses.

    It is so great you'll be amazed that you haven't seen that before.

    Here is a link:

  3. If you did well with band instruments, then you should do well with just about any industry.  How about looking into the telecommunications industry?  I know a lot of people who are involved in telecommunications and do extremely well.  There's also a lot of other industries to look into as well for a few more ideas.  

  4. There is a new report just published that lists and give details of twelve unique ways for teens to make money at the source below.

    As a matter of fact, they aren't just jobs, but real home based businesses that teens can easily start and operate with little or no money to start.

    The report is free, so you can pass it around as much as you like to help out other teens and parents of teens that are looking for ways for teens to make money.

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