
Small car syndrome?

by  |  earlier

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Don`t know about the rest of you drivers but have you ever noticed people with small cars have to take all the road up when overtaking a parked car.




  1. I have seen some of this but I also have seen more with Pickup Trucks doing it. The size of car is not the problem.

    It is the people that do not care about anyone cept them selves that creates the problem.

    We got them all over this country. Everytime I go to a ball game I cuss them. They never even think of other people.

  2. I may be wrong, but those who buy small cars buy them for the reason that they are probably not very good (obviously I don't mean all small car drivers) drivers or buy a small car because they are getting old  and feel safer in something smaller, cheaper and easy to run.  I believe this because I live in a small town and its quite obvious - they are usually a menace to themselves and others.

  3. What do you want drive as closely as possible to it so that if a door opens you hit it. I was always;ways taught and I think you were to give parked cars horses and cyclists as much room as you can. I do not know what you mean by taking up the whole road but if you are coming towards him it may be that he should have given way to you. Again I do know know the road dimensions

  4. I drive a mini and i don't i squeeze though some of the smallest gaps whilst waiting for these cr@p drivers.

  5. if your from england then you will have noticed 90 percent of people cant drive at all to save their lives

  6. Lol! You've got me thinking about Jeremy Clarkson on Top Gear the other night now!

  7. ~ha ha~

    Some of these answers have me laughing!

    I don't think it's the type of car it's just the driver.

    Some people just can't drive or are just as@holes on the road!

  8. agreed...maybe they are practicing for when they purchase a suv or pickup.

    or maybe they have have the same prob as me....

    my pickup is in the shop and i rented an economy car.

  9. They're normally driven by either the cloth cap brigade or a little old lady who can only just see over the steering wheel

  10. You think too much. What you need to do is stop complaining, look out the front window, glance at your mirrors every so often, and drive. Jesus H. Christ on a Honda. You people are so pathetic. You think everyone owes you. You think everyone's out to get you.

  11. The people who drive these small cars get the cars from the inside of a cornflake packet and their licence from sending off 3 packet tops.

  12. wow ive never overtaken a parked car I mena u just go past em u dnt exactly over take do ya

  13. and turning corners  - need to swing out miles!

    I used to drive a yaris and never needed that much space - so it's not all small car drivers and some *large tank like car* drivers are the worst I've ever seen!

    Feel better now...

  14. im freakin out mannnnnnnnnn!

  15. I personally drive a large car,but when i did have a small car i did notice how you get taken advantage of and carved up in a small car by the larger car drivers hence ......i drive a large car now.And no i do not carve up small car drivers.

  16. They are just retarded...I mean look at what they drive.
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