
Small daycare bulitin board idea's?

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my mom has a small daycare.....and has a bulitin board up in the drop off area....we have a sign at the top that says "do you know" then under it we have packets for the kids going to school next year, of there kindergarden readiness papers...and then at the bottom of the board we have our weekly mevery verse, but i need some more idea's of what to put up.....remember that it has to do with parent things, because they will see it.....doe anyone else have some idea's...




  1. snack lists or menus - how about the cute things the kids have said each week - they are hilarious when you listen and talk to them individually.  Things you are saving for upcoming projects.

  2. free lunch programs,cheap toys for tots,easy lunch ideas,fun educational games to play, how to disipline a young child apropreately, daycare ideas for after school.

  3. Here is a great link with different bulletin board ideas...

  4. Every week post a new inspirational or funny quote.  

    This will lift spirits and keep it fresh to encourage the parents to look at the board.  After a while these boards kinda become part of the furniture.

  5. Since were going into spring season , why dont you post up some great local places parents can take their kids on the weekends. I know a lot of working mothers feel guilty for having to leave their kids at day care all day , but never know what to do on the weekends. If you made a bullitin board with neat places in town , maybe kids fairs, zoo's, aquariums, any kind of local events that parents could take their kids to for free or small fee ; would deffinatly give some parents ideas for things to do when they get time with their kids

  6. I think it would be FANTASTIC to put up pictures of their children doing different activities -       every parent likes to see their child in pictures having fun at daycare! :-)

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