
Small engine question?

by  |  earlier

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I recently bought a used snowblower at a yard sale. I got it home and found that it wouldn't start. No surprise. So I pulled the plug and it seems to be ok. I will get a replacement anyway. I checked for spark and there is a good spark. I pulled apart the carb and it is sparkling clean. Still, it wont start. I tried starting fluid, still nothing. It has decent compression. It is a two stroke motor, i would guess about 50cc. Whats going on? It doesnt seem like there is a problem to me, I don't know why it wont run. Could it be the spark plug? I would have thought that even with a fouled plug (the plug thats in it doesnt look bad though) , it would start with ether.




  1. no, a fouled plug will not start with ether.  the plug is needed for spark.  spark is needed for it to start, ether or gas doesn't matter.  My guess would be try some drygas addtive, ALONG WITH plain old fresh gas (if you haven't already).  Use the drygas with fresh gas to ensure any condensation in the tank or float isn't causing the trouble.  Then, check for kill switches, like the other user said.  Maybe there is one you missed or one that's broken.  Although that would probably prevent a spark in the first place so that's probably not it.

  2. If it is new enough to have a handle that has to be held for it to run and when released it will stop, this is for safety. Sometimes the grounding wire that shuts it off when the handle is released is not adjusted or operating properly. I just had this problem. Took a little while to figure this out. I also first replaced the spark plug and used starting fluid.

  3. If you have spark...

    Then starting fluid should have caused it to fire up big time.

    Did you spray in the air cleaner?

    Try removing the plug & spraying in the cylinder Try again.

    If it doesn't fire, you don't have spark!

    else you have a mechanical problem

  4. What colour was the spark plug tip? A brown colour is good, glazed is its running lean (not enough fuel), oily black would suggest it is running rich (too much fuel). Is the carburetor tunable? Try checking all of the gaskets to see that they are not ripped. Open the gas cap and release all of the pressure to prevent vapour lock. Did you put fresh gas and premix it? Disconnect the fuel lines from the carburetor and pump out all the gas from it, then connect it, clean your spark plug with a wire brush and make sure it is dry and has spark, then choke the motor, or you can take off the air filter and put your palm over the venturi or carb opening, then try starting it, if no then pump some gas into the primer bulb. Make sure the fuel lines aren't bent or kinked. In addition, try changing the fuel filter, or you can take it off if it seems clogged and try starting without the filter, but only to determine the problem, as running without a filter for some period of time can cause problems. Are you absolutely sure you have good compression? If not then take the cylinder off and inspect the piston, make sure there is no carbon build up past the rings and if it has a yellowish hue then its time to change the rings. Look inside the crankcase and see if there is any dirty, oily liquid sitting at the bottom, this might indicate that you may need new oil seals. Has the engine been tampered with in any way? I mean does the intake/exhaust port look modified/ported (unlikely on a snowblower though). Oh and see if the flywheel is properly gapped, what you do is stick a buisness card in between the magneto/ignition coil and the magnets on the flywheel after the coil has been untightened, and then tighten them. Make sure the flywheel isnt moving on the crank shaft as well, if it does then you should check that there is a flywheel key, if you don't have it on then you can tighten the nut and set your own timing if you know how to temporarily.

  5. Remove the starter pulley and make sure the pin on the crankshaft is not severed. (quick fix if you have the pulley off)
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