
Small gift for 2 year old girl???

by  |  earlier

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I babysit a 2 year old girl and want to get her a small inexpensive gift bcs I will not be looking after her anymore.

What are some ideas for a gift....( I LIVE IN CANADA)





  1. basket ball

  2. Bubbles - all two-year-olds love bubbles!

  3. Teddy Bear with a lolly pop =D

  4. How about those bears that come in a set of two, they hook together with magnets, and you can each have one? Or even those little bears that have a clear pocket on the tummy to put a picture (of the two of you) that way she'll always remember you

  5. building blocks.

  6. two squirt guns.

    Then the two of you can have a squirt gun fight!  Hey!  it's summer and it's HOT outside!

  7. A picture frame with a photo of the both of you.

  8. Go to Toys R Us and get her a wooden block set...something where the shapes fit inside the box. Stacking cups also are fun, and both are inexpensive. Possiblly another idea is a towel/wash cloth set...get a color or pattern she would love.

    Hope this helps!

  9. A big bouncy ball.

  10. A stuffed animal. Some people keep theirs for many, many years. It could be very special to her, and remind her of you as she grows up

  11. Maybe

    -small whistle

    -small purse


    -stuffed animal

  12. Bubbles and a cute little play purse, any dollar store should have those. hope this helps :)

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