
Small headed driver?

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Currently im using and adapting with my Mizuno Zephyr Driver (year 2000). The head is smaller than today's driver. I can drive fabulous and consistently with this driver but do you all think i should buy bigger and latest technology driver? golf buddies keep nagging to me to buy a new driver and bigger head as they say my driver looks like a wood 3 in this present year, its already 'too' old technology or looks like a women driver. i think im sticking with it though. Um, with smaller head driver, can you tee off with higher tee? I tee with medium tee, the ball flew just fine but is there any chance to try with higher tee?




  1. You can usually buy 15 yards off the tee. A properly fitted driver from 2008 will go further than your old driver. Period. It will also have a much larger sweet spot. But "between the ears" activity is very important in golf.  If you trust that driver, there is something to be said for that too. Most golfers either grossly over or under emphasize the importance of their equipment. It sounds like you are of the latter.

  2. NO WAY!!! If you can hit it straight and keep it with in 30 yards of their drivers. Keep it and start taking their money!! Tee off with the ball  2/3 higher than the head of your club slightly forward in your stance. Hit more fairways off the drive and have an excellent chance at getting home in 2 or three.

  3. A higher tee will promote a higher flight. I would say go and get a new driver, used for about 80 bucks if you want to appease your friends. Just find one that feels good and hit it. Then buy it. Then take it out and hit the ball 6 yards farther in the long run. Then return the club because it didn't do ****.  Don't change clubs until the one you have doesn't work for you anymore. Ignore your friends and play the game. They are just jealous you hit it like them with a harder to hit club.

  4. It's up to you.  Having confidence in your clubs is better than anything on a golf course.  Most people suffer a "placebo effect" with their new $400 driver.  When they send it back into the same rough they're always in, it just makes it worse, 'cuz  they gotta live with the fact they spent $400 for the same results!

    If you REALLY wanna do it, get fit for your driver (all clubs, for that matter).  It's not a cure-all, but at least the equipment is the right length, lie, etc. for you.  You already seem to have a great grasp on what you're doing, so just check out or for tips on how to set up with a 460 cc driver.  IF (a big if) you decide to go that route.

    I agree with the other guy- don't listen to your friends, just take their money! lol

  5. You know, I have had a Nike Sasquatch Sumo Squared Driver, a Nike Ignite 460, A Nike Ignite 450, and a Nike Forged 350.  I am hitting the 350 currently.  A 350cc head is dwarfed when put next to the other drivers I mentioned.  I have hit this one better than the others.  I am contemplating getting another squared because the one I owned had too much loft.  I just love how the 350 feels.  It feels like I got more club head speed with that driver than the others.  I definitely hit it straighter than the others with the exception of the Sumo Squared.  I hit the 350 farther than that one though. We'll see.  I may get it to see if I hit it better.  If I don't then back to the 350 I go.  I'll just regrip it every year to keep it fresh.  Whatever works for you, you keep using it.

  6. dont bother teeing it higher. theres some1 on my golf team that tees it high with a small steelhead driver and he skies the ball 40% of the time. also i wouldnt buy a 460cc head, they can be hard to control for people used to smaller ones. try to get a taylormade r7 (400cc) or the r7 425 (425cc)

  7. Yeah, I use a high tee with a small head driver and have no problem finding my ball in either rough.

  8. Golf is a "math problem" not a work of art... looks don't count, just the number you put on the scorecard. If you're hitting the ball consistently, and are happy with the results, forget about the size of your club head. The best round I've ever shot (+2 for 18 holes, from the back tee's) was with irons that are 20+ yrs. old, a driver that is from the late 90's, and a putter from the 1940's. Stick with whatever works best for you. New technology is great, but you're going to spend a fortune in search of an elusive 1 or 2 strokes, that you may never find (while doing untold damage to your game in the process). It sounds like your buddy's are tired of losing to you!

  9. I think you should keep the drive that works for you. Don't change stuff just because your buddies bug you and try and get you to change your equipment.

    As for height of the tee, i suggest you try on the driving range first and keep doing what you are doing now on the course. don't change for the sake of changing.

    Luc C.
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