
Small jumps on skiis landing hard?

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Whenever i do small jumps while skiing i feel like I land really hard. Even if it is only a few inches off the ground. How do I land safely without that body compression feeling? Is it my skiis or something?




  1. Hey Donnao,  SkiMan here!!  Landing Hard aye.  That's easy to fix.  You say you are having that body compression feeling only a few inches off the ground.  The answer is in your knees, keep them locked and you will feel like a car with no springs or a bike with a hard tail if that helps.  Keep your knees slightly bent and when you land they will flex with no hard feelings.  Keep them locked and you will bounce like a ball.  Now you will be jumping higher and higher.  Good luck.  SkiMan out!

  2. when you do a jump you need to remember the following things:

    go fast, not to fats though. This is so that when you go over the jump you don't just fall over the edge and it will allow you to have more time in the air, so you have more time to prepare for landing, or if you feel brave you can do a trick

    You need to bend your knees on landing to absorb the shock,

    if you are going over multiple jumps (with only a short space between them, like 40cm) then you need to compress the first few of them then on the last one relax you knees and do not stand up traight on landing.

    As for is it your skis, well no. Some skiis are better for jumps and have more flex for stability and comfort and longer skis ar better for jumps but unless you are a serious skier doing large jumps and tricks then you don;t need to worry about what skis you have.

  3. Keep your legs bent and crouch when you land.

  4. Stand tall and reach for the snow as you are landing, let your knees and ankles absorb the impact by flexing those joints. You are too tense as land, take up swimming and using a low  dive platform, not a spring board to dive into the water.  Another thing you can do is loosen your boots around your ankles so you can flex them. If your ankles are too stiff (boots) you can not absorb the landing.

  5. Try to bend your knees as you land. You decrease the time of impact, which reduces the impact force according to the definition of Impulse.

  6. when you are land absorb the shock of the landing. As your feet touch the ground, bend a to reduce shock and also land on your tail to help relive impact right under the foot. If you have racing skis then it will be hard

  7. they always scare the heck out of me, but i have only done like 5 total 5 inch jumps

  8. I would have said the same thing as everyone else, but I was busy skiing.

  9. Have you ever seen a stunt movie when someone jumps from a really high height and when they land, to prevent breaking their legs, they crouch and roll?  Well its kind of the same thing.  When you land, let yourself crouch a bit and take the impact off of your feet.

    Also, landing not on flat ground but on a sloped landing is the best thing to do.

  10. Pick your landing.  Do not jump where the landing is flat.  You will have to absorb all the impact with your knees.  Choose a jump where the landing is on a slope.  This means there is much less impact to absorb.  Look at freestyle aerial landings, and ski  jump landings.  They are on quite steep slopes.

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