
Small lump just in front of withers?

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Our cob has had a small lump a couple of inches below the withers and a couple of inches infront of the saddle. It kinda looks like a spot that needs squeezing but nothing comes out cause we tried that when it first appeared. It had been suggested that it might be a bot fly larvae but it's beent here about 6 months now. It's grown ever so slightly but doesn't seem to cause any pain at all.

It's something that will be looked at the next time we have a vet out as it doesn't seem to be growing quickly or causeing any problems for him but we were wondering if anyone has had anything similar? We are planning to poltice it in the next few days and see if that does anything. It's fairly solid and seems to be in the skin rather than in the underlying tissues.

Any suggestions appreciated!




  1. it could be a cyst it could be anything - you really need to get this

    checked out now by the vet- don;t want scare you but could be

    a growth - unlikely but pls check it out just in case

  2. If you can move it freely with the skin, and it doesn't appear to be attached to the underlying tissue, it will wait.  but if it is attached, it really should be looked at by a vet.

  3. I agree, a vet should see it as it could be acyst/growth which can attach itself to underlying skeletal or muscular systems. A horse of ours had a similar lump but on the side of her neck - rock hard, didn't bother her. Vet didn't know what it was so booked her in for a scan. A week before her scan, we went in the box one morning and it had "burst" and loads of pus came out, even though the lump had been rock hard. The vet said to clean it etc. and that he'd see her when she cam for her scan, to call if there was any problems. Anyway, two days later we were doing her routine clean when we felt something move, so we massaged it and out came......2 and a half inches of fencepost!!!! Gross I know!! Even the vet was shocked!!!!

  4. Vet should look at this

  5. I think that it is a good idea to poultice it, and I must agree with everyone else when I say that you should get that checked out by a vet. The vet will most likely open it; one of our horses had that, in a similar place, and it was a cyst. It took a little while to heal but it was definitely harmless.

  6. it might be warbles i no that the flys lay eggs on horses backs and if it is you are to not ride the horses until its gone and you have to let it hatch itsself and then kill it or the lump might stay there!!

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