
Small pet, help please?

by  |  earlier

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I want to get a small pet in the household.

we have 2 birds, and 3 dogs and fish.

in order for my mom to approve of this new little animal i half to get information.

She has said 'no' to alot already and we have our reasons why...

Rabbits, Chinchilla's, ferrets, sugar gliders, rats/mice, another dog, bird, or cat, reptilians, amphibians, arachnids and all types of insects...

I know thats a long list.

She is also allergic to every bedding out there but newspaper.

we have had dwarf hamsters and a guinea pig, but had to get rid've due to the bedding, and i don't know if they can have newspaper bedding?

I know this is going to be a hard task to accomplish to find an animal to suit my mom's favor, but it should hopefully be possible.

please tell me some small critters that i could have for pets, that you can interact with, and have fun with. if you would kindly add pros and cons that can help too. otherwise i'll just question about them, or see if anyone else has questioned about them already...

people please take this seriously, i would really like to find a new pet to bring into this household





  1. Manx Black kitten great sweet little animals I have one but he got hit by a car I felt bad though they are born without tails thats how god made them

  2. A hermit crab would only require sand, but if you do decide to get one, I recommend a lot of research because too many people buy them thinking they're easy pets, and they do take work and consideration.

    They are really nice pets, though and kind if you get the right ones. Make sure to get at least two of them, though, because they're social creatures.

  3.   There are many paper bedding out there.  The best bet is to get them in a pelleted form.

    I found these and I thought these were the best.

    Envirobed-  So farm they  don't have   small animal size bags of now. I would see if  the would be will to do smaller bag's.  It looks like mulch but is made from paper.

    Safebed both of these do bags for small animals.

    There are many paper bedding out there. Just type in paper bedding in a search engine and go from there.

      I  have  had many small animals. The one's I like the best are Guinea pigs.  I don't really have had  con's with them. They are the the most cuddlely of the small critter.  I have had 30 of them.  I had people fight over them. Laughs, that is just to  hold them.

  4. Well, you didn't say what kind of birds and dogs (and fish) you already have.  You're right, that is a long list of nos and I think you've covered just about every small animal that's legal.  

    I'm afraid I can't think of one that doesn't require bedding of some kind.  I have used newspaper, and other than it makes their little paws dirty, it works ok. Not great, just ok, and you can't use it with hamsters or rabbits, the ink can make them ill.  Guinea pigs and rabbits can be, with patience, 'sort of' house trained to use a cat litter box and their bed could be an old shirt of yours or something else washable like that. However some people are allergic to cat litter also.

    That said, it sounds like you have a nice furry, finned and feathered family now.  How about re-introducing yourself to the dogs?  Get a book (or look online ) for tips on training. And the adage about 'old dogs can't learn new tricks' is just plain wrong. Of course they can !  One thing that dogs love to do is work !  They would very much enjoy any extra time you gave them while teaching them some clever tricks to do.  Look around for some neighborhood pet fairs and shows where you could show off their, and your, newfound skills.

    Depending on what kind of birds you have, the same would apply.  If they're budgies or something like that, go for it!  They can be trained also, and also would love the extra attention.

    The fish, well, I've had friends who trained their cichlids, but personally I've never developed a real working bond with a fish :-)

    Just a thought,

    Good luck

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