
Small pond?

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I have a very small pond, and am tired of trying to keep it clean. I don't have any fish in it, I have a solor fountain and a waterfall I only turn on when I am out there. Is there some kind of non poisonous liquid I can put in it. My dog likes to drink out of it, so I would'nt want something that would hurt him. Please help.




  1. Well, if you wanted to throw in a few goldfish, they would stop mosquitos from laying eggs in there - that or leave the fountain running all the time because mosquitos do not lay eggs in moving water.  

    If you want to control algae, you can put pond dye (midnight blue or black) and that will reduce algae growth as well as not let people see muck at the bottom/sides and it is not harmful to fish or animals that use the water.  

    It seemed odd at first to run our fountain all the time, but we just buried a big outdoor extension line out to the pond and then covered the connection to the fountain cord and it is nice to go downstairs late at night and hear it running out there in the dark, actually.

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