
Small roach just crawled by my bedside table... HELP ( +10 )?

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Alright, I need to know what to do.... I don't have any food or anything in my room besides bottled water. ( I only have 1 bottle of water and I am drinking it right now ) Anyways, I have two cats and a small dog around my house so I can't use stuff that isn't pet safe. And there is a small child in the house. I need something that will kill them or deter them from entering my house. This is a brand new built house it was a small roach didn't get him but..... I need something that is

- Safe for pets and small children

- Oderless - and barely noticable

- inexpensive

- Easy to obtain

Also, roaches are they going to come towards me or are they afraid of me.... I mean if I am sleeping and there is one in my room it probably won't bother me, right? Sorry to ask such a stupid question but I am tired and I don't want one on my face.... LETS BE SERIOUS please. Thank you




  1. If you want to go for a mini-vacay for the weekend, they have roach bombs that kills all of them from your house. They also have plug-in roach killers that prevent them from having the desire to enter your house. So after you bomb and kill them all, get the preventer so they don't come back. And as much as I hate them, I don't want to scare you, but I will be honest, if you're sleeping, one wouldn't be scared to  crawl on you, so sleep with the sheet over your head and secure the little one. I hate them, so sorry, they've come to bother you....

  2. Roaches won't attack you. Turn a light on and he will run for his life. One thing though, if you have 1 then you probably have more. For the 1 you see there are a 1,000 that you don't.  The only way to get rid of them is some kind of poison. Leave the house for the weekend and have someone spray or bomb or something. It is usually safe for pets and humans after about 24 hours or less. Good luck and I know from experience.

  3. Try roach traps.  You can put them under beds, in cabinets, and keep them away from the kids.  They are cheap and don't smell.  

    If you are in an apartment, have the landlord spray the entire building, not just your apartment.  Chances are, the neighbors who have a messy kitchen with food sitting out, are the ones attracting the darn things.  If they spray only your apartment, that won't solve the problem.

  4. Your cats will get the job done. No need for a rach bomb. Just don't feed your cat for a day and the predator will find it's prey :]

  5. Light your house on fire.  Oh you want us to be serious.  Sorry.  Just get a flashlight and find him and you can actually guide these things with a flashlight to where you can catch them.  I do this everytime I see a roach in my room.  A roach crawled under my bed once and I broke out the flashlight and shined it on him and I could just walk him out from under my bed with the flashlight because they like to avoid light.  If he stayed still I'd poke him with a tennis racket and keep him moving.  Then I got him to crawl into a cup and dumped him out the window.  I've had to do this to a few roaches and I think they finally got the picture.  I think it was the weather too.  I think they're more active in the heat and we finally got a/c and I noticed that's when they disappeared.

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