
Small white specs in urine?

by  |  earlier

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I am 20 weeks pregnant and for the past two days have been seeing small white things in my pee everytime I go, it doesn't burn or anything, am just not sure what it is.

if it were white blood cells would I be able to see them like this?




  1. i just wanted to add in that it can't be your blood cells because you can't see them with the naked eye.

  2. In pregency urine infections are common..Some time white substance will come because of infection..I suggest you to go to you docter get some urine test..

    Apart from infection...White discharge are common in pregnecy..

    Urine test which is suggested is a precaution

  3. Hi I always have it in mine and I get my urine checked everytime I got to the see the midwife and everything is normal, When I first went to the hosptial I was told I had a trace of protein im my urine but at all my other appoinments my midwife has said my urine is fine, I go for my 34 weeks appointment at the hospital again so id like to see wheather they say I still have protein in my urine as the white specks are still there, the first time I had a urine sample I was asked if I had alot of discharge more than normal, I said yes but I thought that it was normal in pregnancy she then said there was nothing to worry about, and nothing been mentioned since. All it means is it could be a sign of pre eclampsia but that also comes with other symtoms too.

  4. It is protein and you should inform your DR asap as it could be that you have high suger (diabetes in pregnancy) or you may have a bladder infection without any other symptoms.

  5. It is discharge, we get loads of it whilst pregnant and ur urine is just washing it away from you, if your worreid ring your midwife but unless its accompanied by some pain etc I wouldn't worry at all

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