Ok I got a camera, not to long ago, but nothing supports the type of files that it has.
now that thats said, lets get down to the details :P
Ok so what im asking for is if someone knows any video making thingamababers that you can download your video to, im pretty sure you have no idea what im talking about so, MORE DETAILS!
Okay i mean like those windows movie maker and stuff, but that one doesnt work, its crappy :p
Okay so the thing that The MOVIE MAKER must have are these:
Must support jpeg, mpeg mpeg-2~optional, and they have to be able to let me use my itunes music, which is like mp3, or mpa or something like that :P (i would rather like free, but i guess un-freeish is okay too...)
and this is also optional, but i would like it to be easy, and have available video effects and transitions that I can use =]]]
and this is also optional to but... if anyone could find a video converter that will accept the files given (if the files will not load to youtube) I would like a video converter too, i guess, but that OPTIONAL (ONCE AGAIN)
OMFG thank you so much for helping, erm... if you did, please give links to where i could download them, and once again, THANK YOU SO FREAKING MUCH
reason i asked this q: i was totally not smart enough about all these techish stuff... although i am pretty much a copmuter nerd... and only at age 12 =]]]]