
Smell coming from kitchen sink?

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there's a smell coming from around my kitchen sink..i've smelled the towels and dishes, and they are not the source.

what do i do>




  1. For an immediate solution, you can pour some lemon juice and anti-bacterial solution down your sink mixed into boiling water with some detergent for an extra measure...

    Closely followed by some thin bleach.

    The smell is most likely clogged pipes, filled with hardened cooking fat which catches food, which decomposes...

    There are many brands of sink unclogger available.

    I use Mr Muscle - it's a thick one that can even be used in standing water, if your sink is that clogged up.

    It will dissolve the lipids (fat) and allow you to flush (once you've left it for the time specified on the bottle) the residues away which are the most likely causes of this problem.

    You can also try checking the cupboards around your sink to make sure nothing in them is going off...

    In future, if it is your sink, try to not flush fat and grease down it - wait for it to harden, (or use aluminium foil to catch it under the grill as it drips) then scoop it out and throw it in the bin.

    Plumbers are expensive...

    You should have all you need to combat this in your utility/medicine cupboard and food stock.

    If the first method doesn't work, melting the fat, removing the smell and flushing it out while bleaching it - buy the sink unclogger solution, available in supermarkets and hardware stores.

    It may take some time, but is better than having to fork out for an expensive plumber, when you can find one here on Yahoo Answers ;).

    Remember though - prevention is better than cure.

    Try not to use your sink as a waste disposal unit.

    You can buy a filter to fit the plug hole very cheaply that means you can just remove that and throw all the food detritus (that is causing the smell as it rots) into the bin - where it belongs.

    Call a plumber as a last resort or only if the pipes and sink are so wrecked they need replacing...

    Don't take anything to bits unless you're absolutely sure it's the problem and that you can put it back together again - else you'll have to call a plumber for two jobs!

    Good luck!

  2. you should smell the disposal area in the sink to see if its in there.   get some garbage dispsal cleaner at walmart.   They are bags with powder that you put in the disposal that cleans it out.  

    or you can do the old fashioned thing and put lemon peels in your disosal then turn it on.

  3. sound like something in your u bend under the sink.simple to unscrew,otherwise mr muscle will get rid.hope thats ok?.lata

  4. your sink should have a trap to stop sewage smells. I always thought kitchen sinks smell the worse1 lol also good old fashion arm and hammer

  5. you might have some decomposing foods and stuff stuck in the drain or the disposal. try some  draino or other declogging stuff. if that doesnt work id call a plumber.

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