
Smell of stale smoke. How long does it last?

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For all of you In Scotland and Ireland - went into a pub the other day - first time since the England Ban. Realised noone was smoking because the place stank of STALE smoke. how long will it last, without being 'treated', can it be masked, or is total redecoration and removal of all soft furnishings the answer?




  1. im not to sure but im so glad that the ban is in place but loads of people i have spoke to have even said the pubs smell worse now cos they dont smell of smoke but now they smell of booze and B.O (sweat) yuk!

    with love  Nikki x

  2. Parents own a pub in Ireland, we used the ban to totally redecorate the place.  Actually many pubs in my home town did it.  It used to be that the pubs would be decorated with either stuff that smoke doesn't affect or cheap stuff that is easily replaced.  Now we have good quality furnishings and the bar is brighter.  The atmosphere is now completely changed and it has made barmen and women much happier now they work in a safer environment.

    Think of the redecoration as a good thing, it can reinvigorate business pulling in more people and having them stay longer.  Think of it as an opportunity rather than an inconvenience.

  3. BAD VENTILATION dosen't  help.

  4. The best way to get rid of the smell of stale smoke is to refresh it with the odour of freshly charred bigots.

  5. I think it needs to be treated.

  6. Burn candles that will remove the smell from the upholstery and everything. I know it sounds too easy but believe me it works. That is why a lot of bars/pubs burn them.

  7. It has to be Total redecoration and removal of soft furnishings

    NO other way,sorry

  8. Soon that smell wil be overtaken by the smell of farts and sweat, so dont worry too much,  

    A lot of places are getting special duffusers to mask the foul smells. Nice not to have that foul smell of smoke though hey!!!

  9. Answer from Scotland - smell lasts for a long LONG time.  A lot of pubs went for the refit option.  The pubs that didn't look absolutely filthy and still have an aroma about them.  We have been smoke free for almost a year and a half now.  I never went to the pub because I hate the smell or cigarette smoke but now enjoy going for a bottle of wine or a pub lunch so much nicer now.

  10. A total gutting and refit will only get rid of the filth.

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