
Smell of sweet toast in my Victorian House-?

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I live in a 4 story Queen Anne Victorian build 1870's. I smell wonderful toast very late at night and early morning, in my bedroom. Thought it’s the neighbors but their home is dark and I can see their kitchen. I checked to see if my children were down in the kitchen -all was quiet.

The smell isn't there all the time, but when it is like this morning and last night it is soothing.

I don't feel fearful. My library use to be a confectioners shop 100 yrs ago. Don’t flame me, this is my first post. suggestions?




  1. I'm glad you placed this post. You mentioned that you live in an old Victorian and that the smell is most prevalent in the late evening and morning.  I think your feeling that is paranormal may be founded, but you must also remember that the wood they used then was untreated. Some types of rough hewn lumber that is untreated can give off a smell quite similar to sweet bread or fresh pastries when it is humid. (Most often in the hours you mentioned.) If you find more reason to wonder if it paranormal please let me know. I would be greatly interested.

  2. Many old places, especially if the home is made of wood, retain smells...

    There are many theories on how or why...

    Two that may pertain here is a residual haunting and absorption.

    First let's go to residual, this is most likely your case if your friend stated he saw a ghost in your home. The energy of the past has imprinted itself into you home, therefor you have the bakery smells, the occasional ghost floating by, they are just visions of energy. The situation has no bearing on you they do not interact, and just repeat over and over like a video on loop.

    The second is just stored smells. A home, especially made of wood, is porous therefor it can absorb the fragrance of things that inhabited the home.  Smells like perfume, smoke, and cooking are quite common, they just penetrate the surface well and depending on weather conditions release itself at different intervals.

    You said you are not afraid and feel quite comfortable in the home, then relax enjoy the sweet smells, and keep some sweet toast on hand. lol

    EDIT:  The immediate area around where they would be baking would absorb and hold longer...Also that part of the home could have been vented a certian way, and the smell would not go to the other parts of the home...

    A suggestion try to find some old pictures of the home. You might find that the rest of the home is additions and therfor would have nothing to do with it, as it would not have exsisted back then.

  3. That is so cool. I wish that my house had some histroy to it. You are very lucky to have such a nice antique home. Not to mention it smells like toast. What a soothing smell. Sounds like a dream to me. I would be happy and just enjoy the smells.

  4. IF it is paranormal, it could be almost like a residual haunting.  In that case, the spirit isn't even aware of you.  It's more like a movie playing over and over.  Of course, as somebody else mentioned previously, there could be many other factors that could produce the same affect that aren't paranormal at all.

  5. It could be an outside smell wafting through your house.

    If it's late at night and early in the morning, it could be associated with your furnace. Have the furnace checked out and make sure there isn't any potential for fire. Something could be smoldering and it might be carried around by the ventilation.

  6. well, either its a spirit fixing toast in your kitchen. or late at night the old wood has a sharper smell. or perhaps its a trick your mind is playing on you. ask someone else if they smell it when you do. and if nothing else rig the kitchen to see if anything was moved.

  7. I could be paranormal, but check for all normal possibilities first. Even if you have to hire some expert to come and explain what it is. Not everything is paranormal. It could be but rule out all other possibilities first. A good paranormal investigator will tell you this first and try to find a normal reason first.

    A good legitimate paranormal researcher will always seek out the normal first.

    I would first hire a good expert handy Man to try and find normal reasons before bringing in  the paranormal teams.

    Ask neighbors in your area if they have this similar situation, I bet if you ask around you will find a perfectly normal explaination.


  8. are your children fat?

  9. Its a ghost

  10. It appears you have a Residual effect coming out at infrequent Intervals.  You have absolutely Nothing to worry about, for it can be common in Home of that era.

    Having been a Paranormal Examiner for 28 years, and specializing in 1800's-1890's structures and Battlefields, I has seen this occurrence more than once. Again, it's theorized to be just a "memory" that has been trapped in the essence of the home.

    Hope this helps!

  11. the aromas of the house may not be toast but remind you of an earlier time...i.e. toast & tea somewhere at a happy time thus you are not afraid...also agree with the answer. re lumber.

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