
Smelling cinnamon...?

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okay. you know how they say when you smell roses, mary is present, well i keep smelling cinnamon and roses, is there a saint or someone who smells like cinnamon when their present?





  1. there may be :)

  2. What "they" say is based more on religion than science.

    Here in America, roses and cinnamon mean certain kinds of people are nearby.

    Rose oil is based on a chemical called Gerinol. It is commonly used as a feminine deodorant. If I smell roses, it usually means someone has started her menstrual cycle.

    Cinnamaic aldehyde is used in cheap laundry detergent. To some people I suppose it smells vaugly flowery. I have a very good sence of smell and to me it's like eating soap. When I detect this chemical it means there is someone near me with limited olfactory and financial resources.

    Cinnamon itself is used in "hot" children's candies. It has a mild, burning taste but the burning sensation does not linger like real pepper oil does. Another popular candy ingredient is tataric acid. It is odorless but has a very tart, sour taste.
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