
Smelly homemade dishcloths?

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I have noticed that my homemade knitted and crocheted dishclothes carry a smell much more than a store boughten one. When washing with normal detergent the smell does not seem to go away?

What could I wash them in to relieve the smell?




  1. Baking soda, gets out the worst smells. Try it and see.

  2. i dont know what you are making them out of, but if its yarn or something, they will hold the smell much more then say cotton would. Try color safe bleach and dont let them sit wet for too long. ring them out in hot water and lay them over the middle of the sink in between use. i only use my dishclothes for one day, maybe less depending on the use, then in the wash they go.

  3. I also have crocheted dishclothes and they do carry an odor.  I use vinegar water to soak them in. This helps with mine. I hope it helps. To me bleach is too strong for hand made items but it does help also.

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