
Smoke breaks at work?

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ok i have a question for those who both do and do not smoke. at one of my previous jobs i fought this and my boss agreed with me. why is it those who smoke will take a 5 or so minute break to walk outside and smoke but those who do not smoke don't get 5 minute breaks to walk outside? i use to work where the women would take about 5 breaks a day so i fought and would go sit outside for 5 minutes and call it my smoke break although i didn't smoke. is this discrimination at all? can this actually be brought up as an unfair work environment? why or why not?




  1. I would frequently go out with my co-workers who smoke during their break. I did not smoke.

    Maybe you don't go outside-- but did you stop at a co-workers desk to chew that fat for a few minutes? There was a 5 minute break right there.

    It is only an issue if the boss says that only smokers are entitled to these little breaks and non-smokers are not.

    But then where does it stop? Next thing you know people will be complaining because a co-worker goes to tinkle too many times a day or spent too much time on the toilet.

    Best thing to do is to worry about your job - the quality of your work and what goes on at your desk. What others do - is not your business and being a busy body does not win you any praise from the boss or your co-workers.

  2. LOL

    I hve worked with uh..ladies...who were entitled to 10 minute breaks (by law) and were "always" so "busy" that they would forego their breaks.  Anyone who smoked, and took their LEGAL breaks, got dirty looks. I smoke.. and contrary to what others claim, I never took more than regular allocated break time.  If someone takes more than normal breaks, that is wrong.. and I watched NON smokers do that.  Or, they did not take breaks technically.. but they took an hour to do 10 minutes worth of work.

    Fairness is everyone takes their allocated break, and managers who make sure their register (etc) is covered.  

  3. I manage 60 sales people in a retail location and let all smokers get a break when needed. However, I also let anyone else that would like to take one, take it also.

  4. Your employer has to offer you equal access to breaks during the day, but if your boss is letting people get up 5 times a day for a break, that is just bad.  Usually people get two breaks and a lunch.  If they can't wait to smoke, give up the habit.  

  5. we have this same problem at my job, the smokers are always gone....but that's why I take an hour lunch

  6. No, they do need to smoke, they're addicted and the business knows that, hence the smoking break.

    My advice would be to stop feeling sorry for yourself. It's no fun being in a place where you can't smoke and having to deal with the withdrawal symptoms and it's no fun to have to go outside in the middle of winter or on a rainy day to have a cigarette. I suspect that most of the smokers would gladly trade their "breaks" for freedom from their addiction.
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