
Smoke coming from our light switch?Advice PLEASE?

by  |  earlier

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Just been sitting outside, and saw smoke, and it smells really horrible, almost like a plasticy smell, its a dimmer light switch with an on and of switch too in our room downstairs.

Its quite late now, so would like to know if its serious? Have turned the light off.

Other sockets have stopped working a few months ago- incase that might have anything to do with it?

Rented accommodation too.





  1. Go straightaway to your junction box and either take out the lighting fuse or switch it off depending on how old your property is, there maybe two as sometimes there is one for each floor.

    Call your landlord as soon as possible and tell him the problem and give him time limit to get an electrician out.

    If he does not respond within that limit, call an electrician yourself and pass the bill on to your landlord, it's his responsibility.

  2. Not too serious if you don't care about the house burning down and your family getting injured.  Shut the main power, get a flash light, open it up and disconnect the wires, tape both ends of the wires, make sure they don't touch and call an electrician.

  3. turn the breaker off to that switch and in the morning call your landlord. yes, this is a huge fire hazard!

  4. Turn the lights off, and if possible turn off the fuse or MCB that supplies that light fitting.  

    You need to speak to your landlord first thing in the morning and get this problems rectified; they have a legal requirement to ensure the safety and suitability of the electrical installation in your home, and the only noted way of doing this is to have a Periodic Inspection Report done.  Ask for one to be carried out, and for a copy of it supplied to you.  If they refuse then take steps to report them, the amount of dodgy landlords in this country is ridiculous!

  5. You did the right thing - just turn the dimmer switch off; either by rotating the k**b fully counterclockwise, pushing in on the k**b, or if it's a conventional switch or slider, set it to the OFF position.  

    All that's likely happened is a component in the electronics of the dimmer has failed, and in a mode that happened to generate some acrid-smelling smoke.  

    Your house is NOT in danger of burning down, you don't need to turn off any breakers.    Though, you might want to air the place out.

    If other outlets have stopped working, that could be a tripped breaker or a tripped ground fault interrupter (if you have any outlets with extra buttons, try pressing the "Reset" or "R" button).    It is not related to the dimmer switch failure, even though it happened before hand.

  6. if it were me all electrics of checked out first thing good luck

  7. Oi, I would use as little electricity as possible tonight, then in the morning phone the landlord straight away, and demand that he send out a qualified electrician to sort the problem out.Sounds like there's a problem with the wiring, which, if left, could result in a serious fire  hazzhazard

  8. you have short in your elec system  go downstairs turn off the breaker or remove fuse for that part of the system  call the landlord and tell him  (nicely at first) that he needs to get a electrician out there asap   this could be a life threatening condition  ie fire   if he doesnt cooperate a call to your local bldg authority is in order

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