
Smoked pot before drug test...will I pass??

by  |  earlier

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I do NOT smoke often and had one BABY hit about 6 days ago. I was also in a closed garage 3 days ago while 4 of my friends smoked. Since I do not smoke more than 3-4 times a year and weigh 150 pounds and drink a lot of fluids do you think I will pass a pee test I took 1 day ago??




  1. no,

    there was probably THC stil in your blood

    u should have drank LOTS of cranberry juice before the test

  2. Good luck.  I've always heard a week for a urine test.  You'll probably be fine.

  3. no you probably won't...i honestly also don't think that drinking lots of fluid or cranberry juice will help, but you could try.

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