
Smokeing is cool.???

by  |  earlier

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Me and my friends are going to start smokeing, what brand should we buy ??




  1. the ones without nicotine

    or cigars at least

  2. Bud Light.

  3. flavored  tobacco or weed!=]]

  4. I am amazed that anyone would even consider starting to smoke these days. There are enough warnings out there and the only ones making all the cash are the cigarette companies. I have smoked for many years and it is not cool. it's expensive and smelly and you cannot go and enjoy an evening out because it is virtually banned anywhere you want to have a drink or a cuppa or a meal. Save your money and the hassle of trying to 'give it up' because once you start you will have that problem.    thelma1232

  5. To start smoking because you think is "cool" is not a good reason.

    I'd assume you and your friends are young (because I'm sure an adult would not consider starting smoking thinking it's "cool"). If you decide to start smoking and then later find yourself addicted, trust me, when you grow up, you'll look back and be very disappointed in yourself.

  6. i think you should know how to spell it first. smoking. and its not cool.

  7. Yeah, smoking is just so cool... thats if you want to age faster, have to worry about lung cancer or cancer of the mouth... or if you don't mind getting short of breath while walking, stinking of the c**p or ruining your teeth. Have a nice funeral.

    Geesh kiddo, give your head a shake. Smoking is NOT cool what so ever.  

  8. marijuana brand

  9. Smoking is NOT COOL!!

    Do not try it EVER!

    I may sound like a mum at the moment but are you aware of the dangers of smoking? you shouldn't start smoking either if you can't spell it.

    Smoking destroys your lungs and shortens your life gives you bad breathe AND yellow teeth please don't ever try smoking.



    You are a very very dumb person!

    I'm guessing your only young if you smoke

    I bet no girl or boy will EVER kiss you!!


    I have never met anyone in my entire life who doesn't care

    about their body. What you just wrote says that if one of your friends suggests you jump into a pool of sharks you would turn and say to them

    "Sure! The human body isn't meant to last forever!"

    and "dude" please get a teacher

    smoking is HORRIBLE!

  10. You'll end up on PJ Supers no matter what anyway, but for once I want to see a young smoker lighting up a White Ox rollie...  

  11. Lucky strikes, go hardcore

  12. I think you shouldnt start smoking...dude you dont even know how to spell smoking!!!  

  13. yeahhh smoking is cool.

    it makes you get wrinkles, a congested airway, bad breath, yellow teeth, diarrhea, yellow fingernail, and if you want to be even cooler, smoke non-stop so that canyou get a hole in your throat!


  14. Good lord no.

    You know what, go ahead, start smoking, if your interested in shortening your life by 20+ years by dying of a heart attack or lung disease.

    May I suggest Marlboro or Camel.

    On your additional details, yes, it's true we will die eventually, but why speed up the process? Besides, smoking is so, "not cool."

    Quit trying to get attention.

  15. You and you're friends are a bunch of idiots. Enough said.

  16. dude DONT SMOKE!!!! my grandma just lost 1 lung and almost died cuz she smoked her whole life believing it wasnt bad for you.  
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