
Smoker's bullshit... what do u think of this?

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i hate it when ppl justify why they smoke by saying

"my grandad smoked for 40 years and he is still alive" - yes, that might be true, but when was the last time he managed to run for 2 metres without falling to the floor.


"its cool " - to die :)

or maybe just

"*sob* i was pressured into it *sob*" - weeeeeeeak

and if ur excuse was "i was curious" then i have one thing to say to you - hahahahahaha fooooool

the only ppl i sympathize with are the people who were brainwashed by false advertising many years ago

what do you think about these justifications?




  1. I dislike smoking. It's like slow suicide. There is no good side to it, it even harms the people around you. There was once a man on a marlboro commercial, he got free cigarettes, and ended up with lung cancer, fatal lung cancer. He made a video for tv and  pretty much said, don't smoke, it killed me

  2. i guess you aren't a smoker.

    i dont think that anyone needs to justify why they smoke - its a personal choice they make and they will have to deal with the consequences.

    i smoke and i dont feel the need to justify it to anyone.

  3. I would be grateful to smokers - they pay an enormous amount of tax on their cigarettes which believe me, more than covers any cost of treatment should they get cancer or other health problems.  Personally, I can't stand the sight of fatso's and anorexics that either can't stop stuffing their faces or starving themselves, costing the NHS billions as a result.  Don't even get me going on the large population who are "depressed" for absolutely no reason and want to "self harm" - bleating "I just can stop".  Or, the idiots that go out every saturday night getting drunk out of their mind and causing all sorts of trouble - stopping the rest of us having a decent night out.  

  4. I also hate fat people's BS. They go around eating and looking all nasty, not caring that they are costing taxpayer's money, risking diabetes, heart failure, etc.  

  5. I don't care what they do to their own bodies but I do object to them forcing me to inhale their noxious fumes.

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