Why do you smoke (and yes I know it's addicting), but why did you think about doing it in the first place? Smoking can cause cancer, emphysema, and much more problems in life. You may think that it won't affect you and your health, but it will. 2nd hand smoke can kill the others around you too, they are getting all of those harmful risks just like you are! You could be smoking around someone else not knowing that they may end up with the lung cancer, and you are to blame for contributing to their death! I am sorry to be so harsh,that's the way it goes people! Not to mention, in public, people are mocking you for smoking and making fun of you because of that horrible smell. People can also tell that you are a smoker by the way you talk, smell, and the way you look. It's stinky! Why don't you just quit now to hopefully save yourself from the harmful future that you may hold!? Buy some Nicorette gum or something, do something about this disgusting habit. Treat yourself to the best health you can w/o smoking! Do something people.
Has this made you rethink and consider quiting? Please, please consider this.
I am just trying to reach out to others. Thanks,