
Smokey Eye Look???????

by  |  earlier

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ok so i would like to achieve the smokey eye look but im black not like super dark tho and i've tired using black eyeshadow but i think its a little harsh for my skin tone should i try brown or something?





  2. try it with violets and blue or golds and browns that would be so prettyyy ! on you probablyy lol not on me because i'm white and think it would look wayyy too harsh on me but i've been wanting to try it with those colors for a while  

  3. email melissa at

    she is a makeup artist who opened an advice email. she TOTALY helped me. i 100 percent recommend her to everyone.

  4. You should go to a mall and go to a place where they cell make-up and do free make-overs and ask!!!!!

  5. i think maybe try lining your eyes with a black liner, and using dark brown shadows to go with it, and use those instead of black (shadow). remember to blend the black liner with the shadow so it's not as harsh. its a bit hard to explain, but just experiment, because a friend of mine tried this and it really worked for her. hope it helped:)

  6. I would suggest dark mauves, browns, dark bronze, gold, dark grey

    and soft pink eyeshadow to compliment your skin tone. All of these colors are soft and if you layer your eyeshadow starting with your eyelid working up your eyes to right underneath your eyebrows, you can blend several different colors to achieve that doe-eyed smokey look. I happen to be very ivory in color and these colors look good on me, too. I would stay away from bright colors, including the blues, greens, and anything that is really sparkly. Try to find matte shadow that doesn't sparkle otherwise you are going to draw attention to your eyes. I would suggest using the gold colored shadows only for night time use though.

    What I think looks good is to take dark mauve or dark purple eye shadow halfway across my eyes, then select a shade lighter of mauve or a soft grey and blend it from the tear duct out with an eyeshadow brush so they blend together. You never want to show distinctive lines in your eye makeup. Then on the upper part of your eye, use a really soft brown and finish off with a pale muted pink or very light beige right underneath your eye brows. I would use a charcoal grey eye liner pencil only going halfway under the bottom of your eye. If you take the line all the way across it tends to close up your eyes. Soften the line by smudging the liner just a tiny bit. Then follow-up with an eyelash curler, applying a coat of black or brownish-black mascara (I truly and personally prefer to use waterproof mascara simply because it does not wear off), give your lashes a couple of more pumps with the eyelash curler and apply one more light coat of mascara to your lashes. On my very light skin I use dark brown or dark mauve eye liners and finish up with brown mascara. And don't forget

    about skin care items, too, especially makeup remover!! Skin

    care is really important and I find that makeup goes on much

    smoother after using a good brand non-oily moisturizer. And I happen to really like Physicians' Formula makeup products because the minerals are good for your skin. Their makeup is

    not heavy either, if you don't have a favorite brand you prefer.

    I have also enclosed a link for you if you would like to see just

    what colors this company, illuminare, suggests for women of color. There are beautiful shades out there for you to play with and experiment around with. The link is:

    As you can see here is a good guide to take you from skin care all the way through your entire selection of makeup that you want to wear.

    Hope that I have been of some help to you.  Good luck to you!   ☺


    : )
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